Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just wanted to post some pics for the grandparents!





Trixie has kept any tree damage to a minimum, Simon is obsessed with chasing the reflections of the lights and Jake just wants to eat the branches. Every so often there will be an incident involving Simon trying to "get" Trixie behind the tree, but so far nobody has been hurt. And I don't know if it's the weather, the season or the fact that my cat Gabby is losing her mind, but she has been coming out into the living room a lot these days! This is the cat who practically lives in the bedroom, only to leave for the next room where the litter box is (if we're lucky).

We are looking forward to our first Christmas with a child- I get teary just thinking about it! I can't wait to see him get excited about Christmas morning and watch his eyes light up as he see's what Santa has left him. Of course, it will be a couple years before this's still fun to think about!

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