Friday, October 17, 2008

Lil' Tiger

Our little tiger turned 6 months old last week!! He's growing so fast, which is good...and kind of sad. I miss my little monkey :o( although I love my big monkey! Anyway, Todd put Jake's MU hat on the get him warmed up for the big game last weekend- and what do you know, it's almost too small for his huge noggin. We thought we should get some pictures of him wearing it while he still can! And if he ever comes home telling us he wants to be a Jayhawk instead, after I pick Todd up off the floor I will remind him the he has been a loyal Tiger since he was a little baby and that KU is out of the question!! Unless they want to give him a full ride...then we can talk about it.

We also started Jake on veggies last night!

Yes, I'm in a hurry to get to the next step: on his 4 month birthday we started cereal, now he's on "real" food..and on his 1st birthday we will say 'audios' to formula and HELLO milk (hey, formula is expensive!!!!)

I figured sweet potatoes would be a good starter food- sweet, good texture...and that's what everyone was telling me to start with. So I did. I have a video of this truly amazing event (insert sarcasm) but I really don't feel like trying to figure out how to get it on the blog, so you'll have to settle for a picture instead.

Happy 6 Month Birthday Jakey!!


Leslie said...

Cutest. Baby. EVER!!!!! Gah! I am totally drooling over him. Happy birthday Jakey!

Audrey said...

Aww I love that picture of the sweet potatoes!! He's gotten so big!